Welcome to the Fish Room!
We are happy to be starting the new school year with you!
My name is Abbey Pigatti and I will be your child’s teacher this year. I am very excited to be teaching in the Fish Room this year.
Assisting me this year will be Kalynn Thor. We are all looking forward to teaching your children about God’s Word and about Jesus, their Savior and friend!
Our Fish students will learn ABC’s, 123’s, colors, shapes, and more. They will also work on being a good friend by learning to share, take turns, and use their manners. In the Fish Room we play games, sing songs, enjoy crafts, and have tons of fun! We are looking forward to watching your children grow in confidence, as they make new friends, learn new concepts, and grow in their knowledge about God.
With Blessings, Miss Abbey & Miss Kalynn
Time | Activity |
9:00am | Welcome parents and children, children have purposeful play |
9:20am | Circle Time: (Calendar, Weather, & Birthdays) |
9:35am | Snack and Diaper Check/Potty Break, Independent “reading” when finished. |
10:00am | Tumble Room, Gym, or Outdoor Play |
10:30am | Bible Time |
10:40am | Craft Time |
11:00am | Music & Movement |
10:20am | Circle Time (colors, shapes, ABCs, 123s) |
11:35am | Lunch Time, Independent “reading” when finished. |
12:05pm | Clean-up, Potty/Diaper Check, Learning Video |
12:30pm | Story Time |
12:40am | Centers |
1:00pm | Parent Pick-Up |
Items to send with your child each day:
- A change of clothes, in a large Ziploc bag (these can be placed in the red basket, on top of the cubbies, and left at MDO, so they can be used as needed)
- Two diapers (to be placed in diaper basket, on top of the cubbies)
- Please send a lunch that has foods that are easy to eat! We want lunchtime to be fun, efficient, and not tearful over spilled fruit cups!
- Please wear socks.
- Please be sure to label ALL of your child’s items, with his/her name (including diapers, drink cups, and non-disposable lunch containers).
Important things to remember as you come to MDO each day:
Hand Washing
Before entering the classroom, please wash your child’s hands with soap and running water in the bathroom next to the MDO entrance. Hopefully this will help our little Fish, and our teachers, stay healthy all year! Your cooperation in helping to prevent the spread of germs is greatly appreciated!
Separation Anxiety
It is very common for children at this age to have separation anxiety, especially during the first few weeks of Mom’s Day Out. We find that the best way to calm a child is for mom or dad to say a quick goodbye and let your child know you will be back after lunch to pick him or her up. Many children cry as mom or dad is leaving, but will quickly calm down after your departure. Please be assured that we will make certain your child is loved and helped through this transition. We will contact you if your child cannot be calmed. If you must peek…please be discreet! (We’ve all been on that side of the counter.)
Potty Training
At this age, many children may still be potty training at some level. Please keep us informed of your child’s “potty progress” so that we can be consistent with what he or she is doing at home. Our bathroom is well designed for this age and is equipped with special toddler sized potties and a special step stool to encourage the children to “make bubbles” while washing their hands when they are finished. Dress your child in “potty friendly” clothing. Elastic waist pants or shorts are easier for us and for them to work with. Speed is very often a factor in success. Wet/soiled clothing will be returned in the Ziploc bag at the end of the day should an accident occur.
Please keep your child home if they are sick. It is important to follow MDO guidelines and policies that are posted on the counter. If your child exhibits any of these symptoms, we will call you to pick up your child early. If your child is on antibiotics for a communicable illness, he or she must have been on the medication for at least 24 hours before returning to class. If your child becomes ill during class or is running a fever we will call you. Please be sure the phone number you write on the sign-in sheet is a number where you can be reached.
As much as possible, a positive behavior management approach will be used. (For example, praising children who are doing what is right, if children are throwing blocks reminding them that blocks are for building not for throwing, etc.) However, if this approach is not working, we will use a “1…2…3… Timeout” method for discipline.
- We will always give the child an opportunity to self-correct through positive encouragement.
- If a child continues the negative behavior, a teacher will talk to the child to let him or her know the behavior is not acceptable and try to distract the child from it or offer an alternative.
- If after the second warning the behavior continues, the teacher will place the child in a time-out chair for two to three minutes (1 minute per year of child’s age).
At no time will we yell at, embarrass or spank a child. After time out is finished the teacher will talk about the behavior and let the child know he or she is loved and what is expected of him or her. If the behavior is aggressive (biting, hitting, spitting, etc.), the child will be removed from the situation and put in time out immediately using the same procedure.
Abbey Pigatti
Sohia Vale
Kalynn Thor