Hippos Room

1 ½ to 2 year olds

Our little Hippos will learn prayers before meals, colors, shapes, playing together, singing, and learning about our Lord Jesus Christ. We are committed to providing excellent care for your child. It is our goal to provide a nurturing environment. Here are a few things that you can do to help things go as smoothly as possible on the first day, as well as for the remainder of the year.

I will be posting on our Facebook page 2024–25 MDO Hippo Class. Here you will find pictures and videos of our days and useful reminders.

We are looking to a fun-filled, Christ-centered journey with you & your child!

Miss Miranda, Miss Hannah & Miss Kate

Time Activity
9:00am Greet parents and children (puzzles and coloring at tables)
9:20am Tumble Room
10:00am Circle Time: Bible Story, Songs
10:15am Snack
10:30am Creative Art
10:45am Free Play / Centers (1st diaper check)
11:00am Clean Up
11:10am Circle Time (Letters, Numbers, Colors, Shapes)
11:30am Lunch
12:00pm Music & Movement: Gross Motor Skills (2nd diaper check)
12:20pm Read Aloud
12:40pm Centers at the tables
1:00pm Parent Pick Up

CLEAN HANDS – When you arrive at Mom’s Day Out, please wash your child’s hands in the restroom to your left as you enter the building. Washing with soap and water is the best way to help keep everyone healthy.

ATTIRE—Please dress your children in clothes that are easy to dress and undress for diaper time. We also ask that ALL of our children wear socks, thank you!

“CUBBIES” – Before you come into the classroom, please put your diaper bags, masks and coats in the “cubbies” outside in the hall. Each child will have a labeled “cubby”.

BRING INTO THE ROOM – One family at a time please. If the same person that drops the child off is not picking him/her up, you need to fill out our “Purple Sheet” giving the name of a person in your emergency file; they will need ID. o We will need the following items in the room: § Two diapers (please have additional diapers to put in your cubby). § Child’s bottle or sippy cup which is completely spill-free please! § Your child’s lunch! Please label ALL items with first name and last initial!

LUNCHES… Finger foods are best. Please make sure food is chopped/cut small enough for your child to eat safely. Some ideas we have seen work in the past: Fruit/veggies (drained), crackers, cheese (please not shredded) Diced meat, plain pasta, cubed bread, Jelly sandwich, dry cereal. We don’t have a microwave or refrigerator in the room. We would prefer that all children be able to feed themselves! Please no jar baby foods.

EXTRA SET OF CLOTHES – Please bring an extra set of clothes in a large Ziploc baggie on the first day only. Label the baggie with your child’s name; it will be kept locked in our cabinet for those “unexpected messies”.

Hand Washing
Before entering the classroom, please wash your child’s hands with soap and running water in the bathroom next to the MDO entrance. Hopefully this will help our little Hippos, and our teachers, stay healthy all year! Your cooperation in helping to prevent the spread of germs is greatly appreciated!
Separation Anxiety
It is very common for children at this age to have separation anxiety, especially during the first few weeks of Mom’s Day Out. We find that the best way to calm a child is for mom or dad to say a quick goodbye and let your child know you will be back after lunch to pick him or her up. Many children cry as mom or dad is leaving, but will quickly calm down after your departure. Please be assured that we will make certain your child is loved and helped through this transition. We will contact you if your child cannot be calmed. If you must peek…please be discreet! (We’ve all been on that side of the counter.)
Please keep your child home if they are sick. It is important to follow MDO guidelines and policies that are posted on the counter. If your child exhibits any of these symptoms, we will call you to pick up your child early. If your child is on antibiotics for a communicable illness, he or she must have been on the medication for at least 24 hours before returning to class. If your child becomes ill during class or is running a fever we will call you. Please be sure the phone number you write on the sign-in sheet is a number where you can be reached.
As much as possible, a positive behavior management approach will be used. (For example, praising children who are doing what is right, if children are throwing blocks reminding them that blocks are for building not for throwing, etc.) However, if this approach is not working, we will use a “1…2…3… Timeout” method for discipline.
We will always give the child an opportunity to self-correct through positive encouragement.
If a child continues the negative behavior, a teacher will talk to the child to let him or her know the behavior is not acceptable and try to distract the child from it or offer an alternative.
If after the second warning the behavior continues, the teacher will place the child in a time-out chair for two minutes.
At no time will we yell at, embarrass or spank a child. After time out is finished the teacher will talk about the behavior and let the child know he or she is loved and what is expected of him or her. If the behavior is aggressive (biting, hitting, spitting, etc.), the child will be removed from the situation and put in time out immediately using the same procedure.


Miranda Reynoso

Miranda Reynoso


Hannah Caraotta


Kate Cook
