Lions Room


Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the
kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14

Welcome to the Lions room!
We are happy to be starting the 2018/2019 school year with you! We are excited to tell
your child about Jesus and all the wonderful teaching of the Bible! We also prepare our
class for their future educational career by learning to say, recognize and even write our ABC’s and 123’s. We will also learn patterns, placement words, phonics and Sign
Language this year! In the Lions room we play plenty of games, sing lots of songs and
have a ton of fun! We are confident that this curriculum will help each child learn the
fundamentals, gain confidence and make new friends. Most of all, we want your child to know that they are loved by Jesus Christ!

Looking forward to a wonderful year!

Miss Virginia, Miss Jan & Miss Megan

Time Activity
9:00am Welcome Parents & Children (Name Recognition, Morning Center Time)
9:30am Circle Time (Welcome, ABCs, 123’s, Colors, Spanish, Bible time, Calendar)
9:45am Snack Time
10:00am Free Play
10:15am Bathroom Break
10:30am Gym , Tumble Room, or Outdoor Play
11:00am Craft Time
11:20am Circle Time (Music & Movement)
11:40am Lunch Time
12:00pm Clean-up, Video
12:30pm Reading Activities (Sight Words, Phonics, Books)
12:45pm Quiet Activities (Centers, Legos, Puzzles)
1:00pm Parents Pick-up Children

Items to send with your child each day:

  • A change of clothes in a large Ziploc bag (to be placed in your child’s cubby each day)
  • A lunch with easy to eat food and drink
  • Please wear socks.
  • Please make sure to label ALL of your child’s items even your child’s non-disposable lunch containers items

Additional Considerations

Separation Anxiety

A few children may have some separation anxiety, this is very normal especially in the first weeks of MDO. We find the best way to calm a child is for mom or dad to say a quick goodbye and let your child know that you will be back after lunch to pick them up. Most children cry for mom and dad’s benefit and calm down minutes after your departure. Be assured that if your child cannot be calmed, we will notify you.


Virginia Nguyen

Virginia Nguyen


Jan Forsgren

Jan Forsgren


Megan Jenkins
